Week Meal Plan #4 - scraping each recipe from BBC Good Food

Let's keep moving, folks! We have all the URLs for all recipes we want to save. Now, let's see what we will have to do to scrap it. Let's use this Caponata recipe as example.

I checked if there were any API calls with a response containing the recipe and, noup... it's a static html file again. Ok, no problem! What we will need from this page is:

  • title
  • image
  • description
  • ingredients
  • steps


This should be one of the easiest. Usually a page has only 1 <h1> tag element and most probably it will have the title. Inspecting, there's also a CSS class we can use to get title if it fails using only the <h1>

Recipe title

title = document.querySelector("h1").innerText;


We have to find an <img> tag and grab the src from it. Inspecting where the image is, there's a class called masthead__image. Looks like it's not used anywhere else in the code, so it's a safe bet. Let's get this element and then select the img tag.

Image header

header = document.querySelector(".masthead__image");
image = header.querySelector("img").src;


For the description, we have this editor-content css class that can help up.

Description selection

Let's inspect it

Description inspection

It give us 4 items... hmm... so, let's try using a parent class from the header: masthead__body class


Oh yeah! It works! Here's the idea: we get the parent element (masthead__body) and then search on its children.

parents = document.getElementsByClassName("masthead__body");
children = parents[0].getElementsByClassName("editor-content");
description = children[0].innerText;


Look how beautiful is this! A class with ingredients on its name and right below a list with all ingredients!


Here's the plan: get the element recipe-template__ingredients and then search on its children for all <li> elements and extract the text!


parent = document.querySelector(".recipe-template__ingredients");
children = parent.getElementsByTagName("li")
ingredients = []
for (const ingredient of children) {


This will looks very similar to the ingredients step. The difference is, we will replace the recipe-template__ingredients class to recipe-template__method-steps


Inside of each step <li> tag, there's a <span> and a <div class="editor-content">. So, let's grab the innerText from ".editor-content" and we are all good!

HTML steps

parent = document.querySelector(".recipe-template__method-steps");
children = parent.getElementsByTagName("li")
steps = []
for (const step of children) {

All right!! Let's dive into the final code now!

import jsdom from 'jsdom';
import cliProgress from 'cli-progress';
import fs from 'fs';
import { promisify } from 'util';
const { JSDOM } = jsdom;

const sleep = promisify(setTimeout);

const MAIN_URL = 'https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes';

 * Get HREF attributes from selectors in given URL
 * @param {string} url URL to scrap
 * @param {string} selector Selector to search in the DOM
 * @returns {array} List of href found
const getHrefAttrsFromUrlWithSelector = async (url, selector) => {
  try {
    const { window } = await JSDOM.fromURL(url);

    const selectors = window.document.querySelectorAll(selector);

    const urls = new Set();
    for (const selector of selectors) {
    return [...urls];
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Failed scraping', error.message);
    throw error;

 * Get all recipes URLs
 * @returns {Set} List containing all URLs
const getAllRecipesUrls = async () => {
  // Get all URLs that contains list of recipes
  const recipeUrls = await getHrefAttrsFromUrlWithSelector(
  recipeUrls.unshift(`${MAIN_URL}/collection/quick-veggie-recipes`); // add first page to list

  // Then, scrap each of those pages and get the URL of each recipe
  const allRecipesLinks = new Set();
  for (const url of recipeUrls) {
    const recipeLinksFromUrl = await getHrefAttrsFromUrlWithSelector(
    recipeLinksFromUrl.forEach((link) => allRecipesLinks.add(link));

  return allRecipesLinks;

 * Scrap and save recipe in JSON format
 * @param {string} url Recipe url
const scrapAndSaveRecipeUrl = async (url) => {
  const { window } = await JSDOM.fromURL(url);
  const { document } = window;
  const recipe = {
    url: url,
    title: null,
    image: null,
    description: null,
    ingredients: [],
    steps: []

  // Title
  recipe.title = document.querySelector('h1').textContent;
  // Image
  recipe.image = document

  // Description
  recipe.description = document

  // Ingredients
  const ingredients = [];
  const ingredientsParent = document.querySelector(
  for (const ingredient of ingredientsParent.getElementsByTagName('li')) {
  recipe.ingredients = ingredients;

  // Steps
  const steps = [];
  const stepsParent = document.querySelector('.recipe-template__method-steps');
  for (const step of stepsParent.getElementsByTagName('li')) {
  recipe.steps = steps;

  // get the last occurrence of / and extract the text after it. This is the slug
  const filename = url.substr(url.lastIndexOf('/') + 1);

    JSON.stringify(recipe, null, 2),
    (err) => {
      if (err) {
        console.error(`Failed saving recipe ${recipe.slug}`, err);

const init = async () => {
  const recipesUrls = await getAllRecipesUrls();

  const progressBar = new cliProgress.SingleBar(
      format: '{bar} |' + '| {value}/{total} recipes || Recipe: {recipe}'
  progressBar.start(recipesUrls.size, 0, {
    recipe: 'N/A'
  if (!fs.existsSync('recipes')) {

  let index = 0;
  for (const url of recipesUrls) {
    progressBar.update(index, {
      recipe: url
    await scrapAndSaveRecipeUrl(url);
    await sleep(3000); // to avoid server denying your requests



You can check out the code and all recipes scraped in the Github repository

Next post we will think about how to store all those recipes in a database/file and recommend to user 5 recipes each week!

Let me know in the comments what you're thinking about this series! Cheers!!